Saturday, April 15, 2017


oh god oh god
please for the sake of me
don't let this be
how they're gonna find me
you've done it before
you can do it again
just take my body
away from this place
I can't let them find me
without my face
I haven't forgot
where it's been misplaced
If you'd be a sport
and fetch it for a dying man?
this isn't the way
it always goes
but isn't that why
they call it unusual?
Of course speaking literal
this is the most common of all
coagulation happens
to every single thing
in one way or another
that's almost comforting
Our energy just shifting
to another mouth to feed
but how much longer
will this body count rise?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

'the more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague